This is not the first time I am receiving an email from you. Thanks for including me in your conversation!
With you representing the Sparkassenverbände in Germany I appreciate ideas to make banking easier for customers like myself during these difficult COVID-19 times. I am also looking forward to the new „Sparkasse-Verbindet-Online-Banking“ system (SVOB) you advertise, although I believe that the name could have been chosen more wisely – by using one that is either German or English, not in-between.
If there is anything to criticize at all: in the future, please address me with “Jan Klingel”. In all your emails you call me “frank klingel” or “Frank Klingel”, I have no idea why. And while we are at it, all your URL shortening links in your emails are not working. With all the “this site can´t be reached” messages, how am I supposed to provide my personal login information?
I feel like a bean counter now when I tell you that your “Impressum” (imprint) and “Datenschutz” (data privacy) links at the bottom of the email are also not working. I know creating these emails is tough with all the pressure you probably face with a boss looking over your shoulder. This pressure probably let to a rather shaky German that could have been improved at several places. But now I am overacting!
Best regards and keep on sending these emails