Im dritten Teil dieser Serie will ich auf die Internas der RS-232 Schnittstelle auf dem Commodore 64 eingehen, da hierzu die Dokumentation mit praktischen Umsetzungsbeispielen …
Schlagwort: C64
Im ersten Teil dieses Projekts habe ich demonstriert, wie man physikalisch einen Commodore 64 oder 128 Computer mittels serieller Verbindung mit einem modernen PC verbindet, …
Mal wieder ein Projekt für einen kalten, nassen Wintertag in Deutschland: Wie kann man einen alten Commodore 64/128 Computer aus den 80iger Jahren mit einem …
Most retro computer people probably know the simple maze drawing created by a graphical slash and a backslash character in random order. Although there are …
While playing around with different maze algorithms I created a short binary tree maze that is right skewed. Every run a different maze will be …
Anybody remembers the Atari Pong game from 1972? Apparently, when the game came out it was a big success for Atari and people wondered how …
What better way to keep busy while having a bacterial throat and nose infection than to play around with an old programming language? So I …
I had difficulties learning assembly from existing games, as these are typically too complex for me, contain too many lines of code, and sometimes require …
There is an excellent article about using and understanding raster interrupts on the C64 at Joern does a very good job in explaining how this …
I just uploaded my very first C64 assembler game to I know the code is very crude but I tried to keep it as …